Page name: Rise of the Shadow: In The Beginning [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-02-05 04:55:10
Last author: Thrice
Owner: Thrice
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Rise of the Shadow: The Beginning

The Rise of the Shadow - The first origional Rp.
Take a look if you would like a glimpse into the future!

"You'll pay for this, Tellip. I'll have your hide if it's the last thing I do."

"Your body will never fail you in physical strength, so long as your emotions remain pure and controllable. My body is ending my life because I no longer have the strength to cope with my emotional battles. Your brother predicting your fathers death, your brothers "illness", you soon falling into rule. The stress is taking my body over. Do not let it do the same to you." There was a pause, followed by a deathly cough. "Stay on your toes, and you will never fail. Nothing you want done will ever be done correctly unless you do it yourself. Remember that.."

In every war, there are at least two sides. Good and Evil. Light and Shadow. Right and Wrong. In every world there is a war, and in every side there is an aspect.

In the land of Selli'Van, peace between the "Light" and "Shadow" exists. A treaty was written between the Queen of the "Shadow" and the King of the "Light"; to respect the boundries of the others, to resolve only to meetings to negotiate and to keep harsh words out of the mouthes of nobles.

This treaty, however, was broken at the rise of King Mason, whos first plan of action was to completely remove Queen Sevenah to have a world that was ruled completely by his hand only.

Deeper into the shadow there is...
In Selli'Van, so called "Good and Evil" are only named by the powers that they used. "Good" uses powers such as light and "in the name of what is holy" and many things of that sort as weapons. "Evil" uses darker powers including Shapeshifting, Dark magic, Shadows, etc. Their intentions, however, are completely opposite to their names.

The Kingdom of the Light seems to be completely harmless with it's golden towers and talk of the holy land. The Kings tend to run their kingdoms in a terrible mannor, using slaves, brutal force and fearsome armies to keep their people in place.

The Kingdom of the Shadow is the opposite. While they hold dark powers and even darker people, they run on a system, everyone is equal, and the Queen makes sure that no slaves are held.

ROTS;The Beginning Characters - Characters and character sheets will be found here.
ROTS; Special Powers - Special powers that cannot be used while making your character. You will, however, need to know these powers in play.

-No godmoding, power playing or badmouthing. Be civil and respectful.
-If you're under a King or Queen's rule, that means you're under it. Don't back talk; It will equal your head getting chopped off (In both estates).
-Remember to act your characters age.
-And. Uh. Hell I don't know. Just be.. awesome.

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2009-02-05 [Piplup]: Yay, it looks pretty cool

2009-02-05 [Frozen Embers]: :-)

2009-02-05 [Chimes]: *reads*

2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: I might join up after I read through this...

2009-02-08 [Thrice]: ....Any joiners?

2009-02-08 [Piplup]: maybe

2009-02-08 [Barock]: Theguys from Epiphany prolly will SHannie :)I'll prod emma and Ryan when he gets back :D

2009-02-08 [Chimes]: He prodded me. :P I have some work to do but once I am finished with it (probably tomorrow) I will cook up a character for you. I'll also prod Ryan. :D

2009-02-08 [Thrice]: Sweet, awesome. I was sitting here thinking "god no, not another dead one before it starts. ><"

2009-02-08 [Chimes]: :] Haha. I have one of those... but that's because I never opened it... for reasons unknown to anyone but me XD

2009-02-08 [Thrice]: Haha. Yeah. Well I'm hoping more people get into it despite the fact that it's... well, based in the characters early teenage time.

2009-02-08 [Chimes]: :] Early teen is fine for me.

2009-02-08 [Thrice]: Yay. It will be rewarding, for sure.

2009-02-08 [Elwyne]: I can definitely do early teen or child. Some of my characters do seem rather childlike anyway.

2009-02-09 [Barock]: The origional ROTS Was pretty awesome, so this one will be too :) I'm lookign forewards to playing Auralis again

2009-02-16 [Thrice]: Alright. Point taken. No joiners.
I guess it'll just be us then.

2009-02-16 [Barock]: Aaaah well, sucks to be them :)
It'll still be awesome!

2009-02-16 [Thrice]: Hecka.
Oh, we have Brand this time!

2009-02-16 [Barock]: :-D Yeah I saw thatt! Neat, huh?

2009-02-16 [Thrice]: I looooooooooooooove Blaise.

We're carrying on with Soul Keeper. The origional.
The Serina Harlon love story lives on! :D

2009-02-16 [Barock]: xD really?
Seer sorta phased outa that huh?
Hmmmmm, I'll come back if you want mee :-)

2009-02-16 [Thrice]: Everyone fell out of it, except for me and Blaise.
Oh man, we wrote two whole pages before he stopped getting on here.
Now he's back! And we're in full force with random love and fighting!

I'm sure we would.
I shall chat with him about it, yes?
Not to offend you, of course, but I am not sure if he wanted it to just be a me and him thing, now..

2009-02-16 [Barock]: Haha no worries, an innocent android si a weird companion anyhoo :P

2009-02-16 [Thrice]: No no no.
I tooooooooooootallly love her.
To pieces.
She owned my soul.
I just wanna ask Blaise.
Plus alot has happened.
Like Serina almost dying and then a shadowspawn taking over her body and stuffs!

2009-02-16 [Barock]: Okismoki ^)^

2009-02-20 [Thrice]: Hihi guys.
As soon as Kyle gets around to making his two characters, we're going to start.

2009-02-22 [Barock]: Awesome

2009-02-22 [Thrice]: :D

2009-02-22 [Barock]: :-) Howr you btw Shannie? Has been a whiel since we spoke!

2009-02-22 [Thrice]: I'm sore as hell, but other than that I'm good. You?

2009-02-22 [Barock]: I'm pretty good, enjoying a bit of rest after having spent the weekend in London -_-

2009-02-22 [Thrice]: Oh? Having fun, have you been?

2009-02-22 [Barock]: Lol not really :P Wasant there by choice and didnt sleeep!

2009-02-22 [Thrice]: Oh? What did you do?

2009-02-23 [Barock]: My friend had a Dr's appointment so we had to be there AGES

2009-02-23 [Thrice]: Oh geez. I'm sorry. :S

2009-02-23 [Barock]: :P No worries

2009-02-23 [Thrice]: :]

2009-03-10 [Araglas]: interesting place....

2009-03-10 [Thrice]: Ah yes, I would hope so.

2009-03-17 [Araglas]: it is! ^_^

2009-03-17 [Thrice]: Join, yes?

2009-03-17 [Araglas]: yes! I think I will! ^_^

2009-03-17 [Thrice]: Yay!

2009-03-17 [Araglas]: ^_^ I actually have a question about powers...its vague on what we can and cannot do...and it should be limited to our respective how does that go besides the obvious?

Say I wanted to be a fire weilder? Or a Water Weilder? How would thatr work?

2009-03-17 [Thrice]: You could be either. That can go with whichever kingdom you play in. Powers that go with certain kingdoms are say... Shadow walkers for The Evil and Holy for The good. Things like that. use your good judgement.

2009-03-17 [Araglas]: Ok thank you ^_^ That helps

2009-03-17 [Thrice]: Yeah. For sure.
And, of course, when you send in your character, if I see that the power doesn't fit, I'll say something.
But I'm sure you'll do fine.

2009-03-17 [Araglas]: Lol I would expect you to! ^_^ I'l be through with my character shortly

2009-03-18 [Thrice]: Sweet.

2009-03-18 [Araglas]: ^_^

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